let us look how can be add Picasa web Albums in your Blog...what is picasa??
Picasa is the project of google http://picasaweb.google.com/home This Web site giving customer Picasa Web Albums data API allows client applications to view and update Picasa Web Albums content in the form of Google data API ("GData") feeds. Your client application can request a list of a user's albums, photos, comments, or tags, edit or delete content in an existing entry, and query the content in an existing entry.Here are some of the things you can do with the Picasa Web Albums data API:
1)Include your public photos in your own web page, and allow users to comment on them (and have the comments stored in Picasa Web Albums).
2)Write a plugin to manage your albums and photos from a desktop or mobile phone client.
3)Create a custom screensaver to display your Picasa Web Albums photos on your computer.
How can I use ???!!
First Download Picasa to Click below..
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