Photobucket for Blogger

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photobucket is the web site whis is very helpful to share your photoslides and pictures in your web blog .It can use Upload all your photos, videos, and images to Photobucket for free. Make slideshows and remixes. Link your media to your social network profile, auction sites, web sites and blogs. Share by email, IM, or mobile phone. It is providing facility like Keep all your pics and videos in one place - room for up to 10,000 photos and hours of video! For free.
Share with everyone you know by email, IM or mobile phone.
Make slideshows and mashups with music, special effects, captions, and more.
Link to your profile, blog or website*.One-click posting to your favorite profile, blog or website. For free.

Above Slide is an example for how you can use photobucket slides in your blogs,It is very easy just go to site and registered and login and you can upload images, from that images you can create your slide using Tab create slideshow, then photobucket will provide html Tag for your blog/web site. you can just copy and paste in your posting know more about and ejoy photobucket click photobucket image above.

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