We know adsense provides text ads for our blog or website. Beside adsense text, Google also provide adsense for search. It is an opportune to get more money from adsense.
When people search through your searching box, they will see ads. You will be paid, if they click the ads.
I ignored to display the google ads because I thought it would not attract visitor to use it. Almost the browsing software such as Firefox, Opera, Internet explorer, etc facilitate the search engine, so the visitor may use it for searching.
I was wrong. The surfer may find our articles through our google ads search. I think you may put one or two search box at your website or blog.
Follow these steps to get adsense code:
•Go to adsense and login into your account. If you have no adsense account, you can sign up adsense free
•Click adsense setup tab
•Select adsense search as the product
•Fill search type : only sites I select or the entire web
•selected sites you can include the different content
•Fill the optional keyword that fits with your blog or website
•Scroll your mouse and see more options
•Site language. Select the language that fits on your blog languages
•your site encoding
•Country of territory for Google domain
•Custom channel. you may add if you have
•Safe search. Check the safe search box if you want the search result is safe. Then push continue
•Choose the style and text box length. Then push continue button
•Choose whether you would like your search results to open on Google or within your site
•You may select ad location. The optional of ads locations are:top and right, top and bottom, and right.
•Select pallet type. You can change the color of adsense search ads. I suggest the color fits with your blog template color so it will attract more click. Then click continue
•Naming your search engine e.g Site A Search Engine. Give a good name for your search engine box. I have found a blogger with a search box called Search Money on Google.I think you can make other interesting name that could attracts the surfer to use it.
•Push get code button and then copy search box code and put it at your blog..See below video for more explanations
When people search through your searching box, they will see ads. You will be paid, if they click the ads.
I ignored to display the google ads because I thought it would not attract visitor to use it. Almost the browsing software such as Firefox, Opera, Internet explorer, etc facilitate the search engine, so the visitor may use it for searching.
I was wrong. The surfer may find our articles through our google ads search. I think you may put one or two search box at your website or blog.
Follow these steps to get adsense code:
•Go to adsense and login into your account. If you have no adsense account, you can sign up adsense free
•Click adsense setup tab
•Select adsense search as the product
•Fill search type : only sites I select or the entire web
•selected sites you can include the different content
•Fill the optional keyword that fits with your blog or website
•Scroll your mouse and see more options
•Site language. Select the language that fits on your blog languages
•your site encoding
•Country of territory for Google domain
•Custom channel. you may add if you have
•Safe search. Check the safe search box if you want the search result is safe. Then push continue
•Choose the style and text box length. Then push continue button
•Choose whether you would like your search results to open on Google or within your site
•You may select ad location. The optional of ads locations are:top and right, top and bottom, and right.
•Select pallet type. You can change the color of adsense search ads. I suggest the color fits with your blog template color so it will attract more click. Then click continue
•Naming your search engine e.g Site A Search Engine. Give a good name for your search engine box. I have found a blogger with a search box called Search Money on Google.I think you can make other interesting name that could attracts the surfer to use it.
•Push get code button and then copy search box code and put it at your blog..See below video for more explanations
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